Thursday 28 October 2010

Evacuee Eric

Animation 2 from the Hands on History series. At least this time they based the characters on some sketches I sent to the animators. Still the cheeky BBC are pushing the Terms and Conditions that I agreed to - but these animations are fun and may be leading to bigger things.........

(and they're voiced by the mad kid from 'Outnumbered' on the telly - brilliant!)

Cell Cell Cell

Wellcome Trust's Pig Picture guide on 'cells'. How do you make pics of cells fun?!
Cells that clean up and redistribute dead cells, Cell ages, and Cell speeds

Monday 26 July 2010

Thursday 15 July 2010

Darts Knight

Where did the game of darts come from? Some say medieval knights threw them at moving targets in jousting tournaments. Did they have the beer bellies though?

Saturday 22 May 2010

workload rising

A very quick turnaround for BMA News review but very pleased with the outcome!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Clogged up

In Lancashire the menfolk settled disputes by the means of clog fights (or 'purring' as it was known). This involved lots of drinking and the fighting and the gambling that went with it was highly illegal. By all accounts the fights were done in the nude apart from the said clogs. One version involved the two fighters sitting on the rim of a large barrel and hacking each others shins until one submitted. The winner was the best of 3! Sometimes I love my job!

Monday 22 February 2010

Hamish returns

I've recently been given a link to a version of the Hamish game which I did for Crieff Hydro Hotel that I've not seen for a few years. Have a go!